Mailbag Monday 56
Hello dear readers, it’s MAILBAG MONDAY again! On this special day I will search through my mountain of reader mail and answer the five most pressing questions! What’s that you say? Do I really get that …
Hello dear readers, it’s MAILBAG MONDAY again! On this special day I will search through my mountain of reader mail and answer the five most pressing questions! What’s that you say? Do I really get that …
I've never been one for new albums. Partly because my taste tends to run "old school," and partly because there is so much older stuff that has withstood the test of time that I still …
Every time the end of the year comes around I always get the same questions. How many movies did you watch last year? What were the best ones? How many did you watch by decade? …
Here are some two sentence reviews of the movies I watched in December. Stats Movies watched – 11 Movies that were new to me – 7 Great Katherine Hepburn performances – 2 Monthly Masterpieces – Red River December 29 Holiday Affair …
Welcome back to everyone’s favorite Monday feature! Middle-earth being the place of enchantment and wonder that it is, each month I will use my love of fictional cartography to transport you to another time …
I always have to stop myself when I say I like “all kinds of music”. Because, honestly, that just isn’t true, there is really only one kind of music I like. No, not [just] Black …
It should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with my taste in black metal that I rather love Impetigo's Horror of the Zombies. It is a type of death metal that eschews technicality for …
One possible reason the private eye film has always been so resonant with myself might be how closely it aligns with the hero cycle that is supposedly embedded in the psyche of the human condition. …
Hello dear readers, it’s MAILBAG MONDAY again! On this special day I will search through my mountain of reader mail and answer the five most pressing questions! What’s that you say? Do I really get that …
Here are some two sentence reviews of the movies I watched in November. Stats Movies watched – 8 Movies that were new to me – 6 Movies about genocide – 4 Monthly Masterpieces – none November 28 This is the …