Certain motifs come up over and over again when one consumes a great deal of machismo drenched media. Whether it is an action movie, a Badass Book, or an epic poem, it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single […]
Eric Rohmer could easily be my all-time favorite film director. Granted, his movies are mostly just long psuedo-intellectual conversations between hot French twenty-somethings that are filmed without affectation or adornment. But, one could learn just …
I've talked before about how little exposure I had to pop music growing up. With no radio and only my Astor Piazzolla and Baroque cassette tapes to listen to, most of the music that …
I am pretty new to Kung Fu movies--only really diving in after a Covid cult movie watching binge last year. Since then, I've watched many more "classic" kung fu films, and have really grown …
Looking through my rather extensive collection, I actually don't have a lot of horror games. Hundreds of fantasy board games, even dozens of Lord of the Rings games specifically, but probably 20 games appropriate …
As someone who never listened to the radio, I've got some massive holes in my pop culture knowledge and even in my 40s there are fairly well-known bands I really have no experience with. …
I've been playing games regularly for 25 years, and in that time I've really dialed in on what I like and don't like when it comes to board games. And despite today's game being an …
Black metal is a silly genre of medieval posturing, unlistenable production aesthetics, and reprehensible personalities. As such, it is bound to attract a unique set of fans. Today I'm taking a look at …
Silent films were never actually played silent--even prior to the 1900s they almost always had some manner of musical accompaniment. From a simple house pianist to a full blown orchestra for larger cities, there was …
This MFM feature is getting dominated more and more by genre fare, but I've always been a sucker for the delights of genre, all the way back to reading my first Tarzan book in elementary …