Mailbag Monday 9
Hello dear readers, it’s MAILBAG MONDAY again! On this special day I will search through my mountain of reader mail and answer the five most pressing questions! What’s that you say? Do I really get that …
Hello dear readers, it’s MAILBAG MONDAY again! On this special day I will search through my mountain of reader mail and answer the five most pressing questions! What’s that you say? Do I really get that …
Here are some two sentence reviews of the movies I watched in January. Stats Movies watched – 33 Movies that were new to me – 27 Remakes and Sequels watched – 5 (counting Avatar) Monthly Masterpieces - Chloe …
I always have to stop myself when I say I like "all kinds of music". Because, honestly, that just isn't true, there is really only one kind of music I like. No, not [just] Black …
There are many directors I admire greatly, but none as much as Eric Rohmer. With his death yesterday morning, cinema lost a true master whose unique voice has never been (and most likely will never be) …
Welcome to the very first ever Internet Meme Monday! What is a meme you say? Well, as I understand it, a meme is similar to a gene, except instead of passing on genetic information it …
Hello dear readers, it’s MAILBAG MONDAY again! On this special day I will search through my mountain of reader mail and answer the five most pressing questions! What’s that you say? Do I really get that …
Top ten lists might be completely subjective affairs that are meaningless to anyone other than their creator, but they also happen to be a hell of a lot of fun to make. Obviously nobody can …
Because today marks the one year anniversary of my Monthly Movie Review segment, I thought I'd spend a bit of time looking back over my year in movies. And when I say in movies, I …
Here are some two sentence reviews of the movies I watched in December. Stats Movies watched – 35 Movies that were new to me – 22 Most movies from the last decade watched in a month …
There has been a vicious rumor going around that I don't like Christian music, a rumor that is simply not true. So today (in addition to capitalizing all non-secular words) I've decided to finally set …