Before I got a real (by which I mean, “more than part time”) job…8 years ago, I had worked in the local public library for over a decade. I manned the reference desk, a “greet ’em with a smile!” customer service job for which I was rather ill-suited (my last write-up contained the admonishment: “…a pattern of willful disregard for the responsibilities of your position – the most basic of which is to simply be nice and helpful”). The end of each shift involved me finally clicking off my flash game and running to do a quick cleanup of the various tables around the building–where I would occasionally find little notes people had left behind. I recently came across a little folder of patron notes found in my years at the library, so today I thought I’d share a few of the more interesting ones!

This is one of my favorites. Like, Jim had a great idea, a nice simple business card that didn’t even need to say what he did because you were going to REMEMBER the dude that gave you this card. Even has a decent design sense to it! But, alas, Jim got a little overexcited and ordered far too many of these bad boys, only to realize he really didn’t want anyone calling after 7, or missing him while he was at work. So close!
Jim, if you are reading this, a simple DAY: / NIGHT: can be added to the next batch while retaining the unique simplicity!

A bit of a mystery here…what were the Madagascar missionaries Jay and Carey Rostofer doing in my library? Why does the back of this card list their mailing address AND birthdays? And, most importantly, was this card torn carefully down the middle due to some kind of love triangle drama between Jay, Carey (left), and the unnamed woman on the right?
Most likely someone just randomly tore up the bullshit Jesus card they were given, but, still, that is just torn a little too carefully down the middle of Jay’s cheating, lying face. If you were wondering, Jay and Cary are still out there missionizin’:

Another mystery! I’ve heard of a “Chatty Cathy” before, but that is way too clearly written to be anything other than “Chathy Cathy.” Is that her Christian name? A nickname? A simple misspelling?
Also, this was written on the back of a D.A.R.E. bookmark, so there is that too.

Pretty self explanatory, just look at that loser.

As you are starting to see, I kept a lot of notes that just confused me. “Dad Nos,” what does it mean?? The > sign under the words could imply it is a misspelling of “nose”? But then it’s written on what appears to be a hat below? And crossed out??? Is it a Fast and Furious thing? Dad knows? Dad saying no many times? I’m half tempted to call Jim to see if he has any thoughts!

This one is either the most generic rap lyrics ever (I didn’t spend much time googling, but a quick search turned up nothing), or Eastside Vato Loco’s attempt to apologize to a wronged lover. Either way, 7-8-5 represent.

I mean, yes, the library computer lab is porn CENTRAL to the point it really was kind of a problem, but have you ever tried to get all the porn off the internet? Where there’s a will there’s a way, and all your virtue signaling about how sick it is isn’t going to keep the porn of [sic] the comp [sic].

Check in on your loved ones folks, and if you have to use the b-word, just say “b.” Be like your boy Elroy.

Not all that funny, but real cute. Some 4 year old drew this and gave it to me, pointing at the other face saying it was me (I wrote it in so I wouldn’t forget). Looking good really, at least I wasn’t that troll on the right.

From imdb: “A married soldier returning from World War II poses as a pregnant woman’s husband to save her from her father’s anger and honor.” But it’s not ONLY about that.

Snake is crossed off…do they already have it? And if they bought it first, WHERE are they keeping it while they shop for the rest of this stuff?

This one is a pretty standard black magic deck from around 2012, with a lot of discard and control, along with some powerful creatures that don’t like to stay dead (Bloodghast, which I’d never seen, has my ATTENTION). This was probably played in Standard at the time, and maybe some of the cards were a lot more expensive while it was in that format, but at today’s prices, without the sideboard, you are looking at around $50 to make this now ($30 of which is tied up in the 3 Bloodghasts).
All in all, it looks pretty decent, but for my money, any deck that uses that many “return to the battlefield” cards without any “when a creature enters the battlefield” triggers, is just no fun. To say nothing about playing undying cards:

…without working in a stupid 3 card +1/+1 counter-moving hijinks combo of underwhelming power with like Ashnod’s Altar and something like this:

So, by playing a GOOD deck instead of a broken deck (assuming my opponent disrupts NOTHING in my combo), this deck is a pass for me.

CJ…this girl is no longer your sis for lyfe.

I don’t remember when I found this, but I can 99% guarantee that no computer settings were changed, and this was most likely due to their Myspace playing the wrong profile music or something. Still, decent y u no face…I miss fuuu faces.

First, deep breath, you are young, you will look back on this and cringe! Second, I’m ok with Rin and Yukio, but I have CONCERNS about Rin’s older brothers. Unless this is just some anime thing, in which case it’s only cringe, and less concerning.

No notes, perfect as is.
Bold first sentence though.

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