Last month I posted my first fully painted Warhammer army, my Skaven. Hot on the heels of that post (and painted over roughly the same time period), here is my Nurgle army, also now a fully legal 2000 points!
Check out the first half of my army HERE
Much like my Skaven, I’ve got another 2000 points or so of unsightly grey nurgle plastic (and bootleg resin) in my basement, but for now, here’s the stuff I actually managed to get a coat of paint on!
Blight King Battleline
The biggest hassle of any Warhammer Army is painting up endless battleline units to make a full “legal” army. Thankfully, Nurgle has two of the best battleline units to paint. First, the Plaguebearers, which, if they aren’t the most powerful units, are at least some of the quickest to paint. And second, the Putrid Blight Kings which are both some of the coolest units in the game, and also some of the most powerful:

I don’t normally like to use a lot of black, but the armor on these guys really ended up working well with the Averland Sunset cloth and pale flesh (Rakarth Flesh and Reikland Flesh Shade). I also added a lot of Nurgle Rot slime to the weapons (which are supposed to be poisoned or something), which you can see in this closer picture of their leader, Gutrot Spume:

All in all, these were super fun to paint, and hit like a hammer on the table…only one of which is true for my next model…
A Big Beefy Boi
Forge world makes really cool models, that are ridiculously priced. However, if you don’t mind getting thrown out of any official Games Workshop events, you can find them for a quarter the cost through a few less reputable internet back channels, which is how I came into possession of this behemoth:

Like the Blight Kings, he was a blast to paint and turned out great. Unlike the Blight Kings, Tamurkhan just doesn’t really seem to be worth his points. Also the official base size from Forge World (a ridiculous 8.5″ X 11″) makes him ridiculously hard to move around the battlefield, and ridiculously easy to pile the extra attacks on. He didn’t last super long in his first game.
On the other hand, those ridiculously giant bases are super fun to decorate, so I’m not complaining too much.
A Few Final Feculant Trees
The last thing I needed to finish off my army were a few rotting tree terrain pieces. I initially kind of dragged my feet since these trees have a lot of details and for a while only had one painted up:

The summoning rules were such that you could summon a ton of these for free, so I needed more. Once again, bootleg resin, blue-stuff silicon molds, and some green stuff sculpting work saved the day. I made a mold of the base, filled out all the half branches and fungi with green stuff to make double everything, and then made further liberal use of molds and greenstuff work in order to use 2 bootleg Gnarlmaw kits to make 5 more Feculant Gnarlmaws in various stages from sapling to stump:

In the process I also got a little carried away with the (already extremely) yonic imagery… Even worse, somewhere in the process of making all these the rules changed so that you really only ever want to summon one or two of these and then spend the rest of your summoning points on better shit, making my little circle of life rather pointless:

Oh well, at least I got to sculpt a bunch of tree vaginas in the process.
No army is done until you get it on the table…
I even got to try out my finished Nurgle army as my new basement’s first battle–complete with new giant artwork to help set the mood:

And a great time was had by all (my opponent even finished basing all his stuff this time!)
Hi, can you tell me where you get the tamurkhan? I’m searching for him but couldn’t find it.