Minor Key Monday 54: Paul Oakenfold – Element 4
I always have to stop myself when I say I like “all kinds of music”. Because, honestly, that just isn’t true, there is really only one kind of music I like. No, not [just] Black …
I always have to stop myself when I say I like “all kinds of music”. Because, honestly, that just isn’t true, there is really only one kind of music I like. No, not [just] Black …
One nice thing about the slowly growing infestation of really racist bands in the extreme music underground is that, by and large, they all pretty much objectively suck. I mean, even that Peste Noire album …
Horror films can be frightening for many reasons. Unstoppable stalkers, cheap jump scares, and over the top gore all have the ability to scare the viewer. However, none of that is quite as terrifying as …
Hello dear readers, it’s MAILBAG MONDAY again! On this special day I will search through my mountain of reader mail and answer the five most pressing questions! What’s that you say? Do I really get …
Here are some two sentence reviews of the movies I watched in May. Stats Movies watched – 13 Movies that were new to me – 4 Sergio Leone films – 3 Monthly Masterpieces – The Conversation, Man's Favorite Sport, Fargo May 31 …
Welcome back to everyone’s favorite www.isleyunruh.com Monday feature! Middle-earth being the place of enchantment and wonder that it is, each month I will use my love of fictional cartography to transport you to another time …
I always have to stop myself when I say I like “all kinds of music”. Because, honestly, that just isn’t true, there is really only one kind of music I like. No, not [just] Black …
One thing I love about black metal is how it takes on different characteristics based on its country of origin. While all black metal bands work with the same (narrow) set of influences, each black …
The good old fashioned "classic" style American western has taken many forms over the years, from revisionist westerns that lost sight of the true meaning of "Christmas" to "Spaghetti" westerns that took the genre down …
Are you looking for a custom designed battle vest, but don't have access to a high quality print shop? Contact me HERE, and we can discuss possibly working on a unique, custom designed vest, featuring …