Snob Blog 2 – A Musical Interlude.
Once again, from the pages of Goth Blog comes the second part of everyone's favorite spinoff: SNOB Blog! Has that wacky high school english teacher who just wants the finer things in life…and for people to …
Once again, from the pages of Goth Blog comes the second part of everyone's favorite spinoff: SNOB Blog! Has that wacky high school english teacher who just wants the finer things in life…and for people to …
From the pages of Goth Blog here is the second installment of the spinoff that everyone has been clamoring for: JOCK Blog, number 2! That's right, more wacky adventures from everyone's favorite jock older brother, …
This is another entry in my fairy tale series. Each entry attempts to analyze one archetypal element of myths legends and fairy tales in a short introductory essay followed by an original fairy tale utilizing …
The fantasy fiction community was once again rocked when more previously unreleased sections of The Lord of the Rings were discovered. This "grail" of a literary find amounted to a new lost segment cut out …
Being a rambunctious sort, my past is full of tales of derring-do and mischievous insubordination. In this series I will examine specific instances of orneriness from my past so that you, the reader, might understand …
Being a rambunctious sort, my past is full of tales of derring-do and mischievous insubordination. In this series I will examine specific instances of orneriness from my past so that you, the reader, might understand …
Being a rambunctious sort, my past is full of tales of derring-do and mischievous insubordination. In this series I will examine specific instances of orneriness from my past so that you, the reader, might understand …
Every time I revisit John Boorman's Excalibur I enjoy it a bit more. And since I thought it was pretty awesome to begin with, I can't think of a better indicator that I should probably …
This is another entry in my fairy tale series. Each entry attempts to analyze one archetypal element of myths legends and fairy tales in a short introductory essay followed by an original fairy tale utilizing …
Once again, from the pages of Goth Blog comes the spinoff everyone has been clamoring for: SNOB Blog! This time it is the wacky antics of the high school english teacher! He just wants the finer …