The Top Five Best Videos
Original video content is one of my favorite things to create for this site, but it is also one of the most time consuming things to create for this site. Turns, out, editing together a (debatably) classic …
Original video content is one of my favorite things to create for this site, but it is also one of the most time consuming things to create for this site. Turns, out, editing together a (debatably) classic …
There is a reason that Buster Keaton's films have aged better than any of his contemporaries. I'm not saying that there is anything remotely at fault with the work of Chaplin or Lloyd--it is just …
Occasionally an actor will turn in a performance so powerful, that it completely permeates every square inch of the film it is a part of. Usually, as is the case with a film like Last …
Among the inner circles of my film graduate school, I am known for a few things: A almost fanatical devotion to Howard Hawks. An incomprehensible love of romantic comedies. The assertion that Chaplin's much vaunted pathos is …
“Take a close look at the world, keep on doing so, and in the end it will lay bare for you all its cruelty and its ugliness.” This was how French film critic Andre Bazin …
It's a common misconception to think of all silent films as primitive, sped-up affairs with histrionic acting and a lot of makeup. Now, not that there's anything wrong with the primitive sped-up silent films with …
Welcome back to Internet Meme Monday! What is a meme you say? Well, as I understand it, a meme is similar to a gene, except instead of passing on genetic information it passes on cultural …
Silent films get a bad rap. Even among film snobs there is the attitude that “yes, they are important, but come on…wouldn’t you rather watch something a bit more polished?” However, while the acting is …
Chaplin or Keaton...that is the question. Actually, not really, they are both great (along with Lloyd, Langdon and the rest of them). Still, I always answer with a resounding "Keaton!" and Our Hospitality is a …