I've discussed this many times before on this feature, but elitist metalhead snobs LOVE finding bands like Deathslayer. This New York based group recorded two demos in the early 80s and then just kind of disappeared. …
Masterpieces of the metal sort.
I've discussed this many times before on this feature, but elitist metalhead snobs LOVE finding bands like Deathslayer. This New York based group recorded two demos in the early 80s and then just kind of disappeared. …
Zygotical Sabbatory Anabapt is one of those albums that tends to get overlooked because it came about 6 years too late. By 1996, this kind of first wave black death stuff wasn't exactly wowing people …
I may joke about Xasthur making the same album over and over again, and that may also be entirely true, but, regardless of whether or not Malefic (the sole creative force behind Xasthur) "Vivaldis" things …
I don’t think it’s fair to heap abuse onto Midnight for being unoriginal. Sure, they might all be card carrying members of the Venom fan club, but Midnight’s music, and infectious energy, is really quite …
I really don't listen to all that much death metal anymore, but when I do, it sounds like Spain's Hic Iacet. Atmospheric, simplistic, and, above all, EEEEVIL as fuck, Hic Iacet's debut demo really deserves …
Kampfar is one of those second wave Norwegian black metal bands that I thought I was totally over. The kind of stuff that I listen to and think "yeah, this kind of sounds like Immortal, …
Any metalhead worth their salt will tell you that Glam music is SO NOT METAL. However, no metalhead worth their salt would ever suggest that W.A.S.P. should "leave the hall," despite W.A.S.P.'s sketchy generic classification …
1989 was a pretty brutal year for extreme metal. Grindcore and death metal had finally used the knowledge culled from a decade of metal malevolence to produce some of the filthiest recordings in the history …
Inquisition is one of those 3rd (4th?) wave black metal bands from the early 2000s that I missed during my half decade break from discovering new music. Not that they were going to be able …
Though France is known for its filthy black metal, you don't hear as much about more traditional French "heavy metal" bands. Still, they are out there, and Sortilège is one of the earliest and still the …