I always have to stop myself when I say I like “all kinds of music”. Because, honestly, that just isn’t true, there is really only one kind of music I like. No, not [just] Black Metal, I’m talking about music in a minor key. I mean, I’m a pretty happy guy, but there is something about sad, sad songs that just does it for me. I don’t dislike Vivaldi’s “Spring” and “Fall”, but I far prefer “Summer” and “Winter” (guess which seasons he writes in a minor key). “Satisfaction” is a fine song, but I’d rather listen to “Paint it Black” any day…you get the idea. Basically, it don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that sting [of soul crushing sorrow and sadness].
This month on Minor Key Monday I talk about yet another band I discovered just a wee bit late:
Audio PlayerI was going to start today’s post with a story. But, then I realized that the “far more autobiographical than I should really admit” Snob Blog, once again, would tell my story better than I could:
The more I listened to the high pitched vocals accompanied by a rather funkily syncopated minor key bass line with tastefully used synths I had to admit that it was actually a pretty good song (for a pop song mind you!) I asked her who it was, and wanted to know if the band was popular as competently written as their song was.
She just looked at me like those guys back in college did a few years ago when they found out I didn’t know that “Tastes Like Teen Spirit” song. She could only say “uh…Michael Jackson? Smooth Criminal? Are you seriously saying you don’t know this song??”
I laughingly played it off as a joke and resolved not to ask about any more songs. I would hate to appear a further ignoramus to this strange woman with such eclectic musical tastes! At least now I can say I’ve heard a Michael Jackson song…you wouldn’t think the fella had it in him to look at him!
So yes, once again, pretty much a true story. I mean, I think I heard his “Black or White” song on the school bus one time when I was 10 or so, but it wasn’t until 2005 that I had my first real exposure to Michael Jackson.
Admittedly, I was thrown at first. For someone used to a strict diet of Unholy Black Metal™, the song was upbeat enough that I wasn’t even sure it was in a minor key! And because I didn’t have my guitar handy at the time to figure it out on the spot, I went ahead and decided to enjoy it anyway. Thankfully, it turned out to be a minor key (A minor–not, of course, the saddest of all minor keys, but sad enough) after all, and thus my reputation for pure unadulterated minor key love remained intact.
Even though there are times that I can’t immediately tell if a song is in a major key or minor key at first due to the phrasing and atmosphere, there still must be some power to the minor third. After all, my further exploration of Jackson’s oeuvre led me to discover two other personal favorites: “Billie Jean” and “Thriller” (which, if you haven’t heard them before, check them out posthaste, they are really very good!) That’s right, as you may have guessed, both songs are (spoiler alert) in a minor key!
Welcome to the world of MJ. Yes, it is pop music, but some of the best there is. Currently, I’m digging the Arcade Fire’s “The Suburbs” – and yes, I was listening before they won the Grammy, and the new Radiohead album “King of Limbs,” which is really not very accessible until the.. oh… 8th listen. Honestly, it is so musically twisted I can’t resolve what key any of it is in.
Isley, I think you are trying to branch out from your old dance moves with MJ. I mean, the thumb to butt/mouth Egyptianesque move just isn’t cutting it on the dance floor.
I actually stopped liking Arcade Fire before they were even nominated for a Grammy. Maybe you’ll be as cool as me someday, Amy.
This is among my favorite Michael Jackson songs, and is easily the best song on “BAD.”
If you were a song, how do you think it would make you feel to be the best song on an album whose cover seems to have such a negative opinion of the contents therein?
Yeah, the real story went exactly like in Snob Blog 2, except I had gone over to the woman in question’s house and came in during the middle of the song, that high falsetto chorus immediately had me hooked!
And yeah, I was doing some research on this one, apparently it was the 7th single on Bad, and might not have even made it on the album? I haven’t heard the rest of Bad (except the title track I think) but I have a hard time believing that there are 6 better songs than Smooth Criminal on the album.
I’m with Kathy Lee on this one: http://whoisarcadefire.tumblr.com/post/3406298297
You and Kathie Lee always were of one mind.
I’ve had this song in my head all day. I blame you.
Always complaining…you said the same thing about the Ildjarn post.
Bah, their new album is solid, especially the final third (JWo and I have had arguments over Rococo). Also, for the record, I want to kick Arcade Fire in their Collective Crotch (great band name?) because they are so full of themselves from way back and I totally blame the Quebecois Contingent (also a great band name?)
Also, if “cool” means enjoying listening to Cookie Monster rant about rivers of blood with background orchestration by a bunch of guitars being turned up to 11 and dropped down a spiral stair, then no, I never will be.
Upon first reading, I skipped over an all-important “in” in the first sentence. However, this did, for a moment before the re-read, go a long way in clarifying how you “accidentally” heard MJ.
That’s exactly what cool means, as I’m sure Isley can attest.
Also, could I interest you in kicking Animal Collective’s collective crotch?
I mean, Granted, I’d guess a good 40% are me (with another 10% people who thought my Hobbit Movie Rumor’s post was real), but still, way to go!
My cool factor just skyrocketed!
2000, I’ve got my eye on you!